Phillip Roberts as City Councillor


All the following endorsements are made in the endorders personal capacities and not on behalf of any other person or organisation.



I have known Phillip for many years and seen first hand his devoted commitment to voluntary work for the good of the whole legal profession.

- Philippe Doyle Gray, Barrister-at-Law, Eight Wentworth Chambers

I have known Phillip for the many years and have worked very closely with him during that time.
He is a very enthusiastic and diligent solicitor. He is well acquainted with the concerns and challenges of solicitors including those related to enhancing the viability of modern legal practices.

He is a solicitor of the highest integrity. I fully endorse his candidature and wish him well for the 2020 election.

- Con Ktenas - Notary

I have known Phillip for the past ten years. He is well known for his concern for Law Society Members’ wellbeing and for his contributions to addressing the concerns and challenges of “Small Law”, in particular, the viability of the practice of sole practitioners in the face of increasing challenges brought about by developments in technology.

More recently I have worked closely with Phillip as fellow Committee Member, City of Sydney Law Society. On a personal note, I have always found him to be kind, considerate and readily engaged in the matter at hand. I fully endorse his candidature and wish him well for the 2020 election.

- Deborah Tresise, Solicitor, Baxter Warne Lawyers

I consider Phillip to be well qualified for and a great nomination to the Council and am happy to endorse his candidature!

- Brian Gillard, Principal Solicitor, Gillard Consulting Lawyers

I endorse wholeheartedly Phillip Roberts who has been known to me on a professional basis for many years. He is a very suitable candidate for the election representing City of Sydney legal practitioners.

- Igor Kazagrandi, Principal Solicitor, BMA House Lawyers

Silence is golden indeed! However, not on this occasion!! I endorse Phillip in the strongest terms as a candidate for Council.

- Mani Nair, Principal Solicitor, M S Nair & Co

It is Phillip's passion and determined nature that I see as the key drivers of his persona to effect change.

In the time that I have known Phillip he has confirmed to me through his actions to be a person of high integrity.

A successful bid for this position by Phillip can only be beneficial to the industry that has many challenges in this disruptive world.

I wish Phillip all the best in his quest to bring about positive change and have no hesitation in endorsing his nomination.

- Trevor Holmes, IT and Business Consutant, Advivo (